Dasar-Dasar Audit Sistem Informasi
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Sapaan Dosen dan Pengantar Perkuliahan
[FORUM] Perkenalan Diri
[FORUM] Pusat Bantuan Pembelajar
Pengantar Perkuliahan (BRP Visual)
UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER (26 November 2022, Dibuka 08.00 - 20.00 WIB, Waktu Maksimal 30 menit)
Ujian Tengah Semester
TOPIK 1: Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi
[Slides] Topik 1: Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi
[Video] Topik 1 (Bagian 1)
[Video] Topik 1 (Bagian 2)
[Video] Topik 1 (Bagian 3)
[FORUM] TOPIK 1: Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi
[Quiz] Self Test 1 - Pengantar Audit Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi
TOPIK 2: Proses Audit Sistem Informasi
[Slides] Topik 2: Proses Audit Sistem Informasi
[Video] Topik 2 (Bagian 1)
[Video] Topik 2 (Bagian 2)
[FORUM] TOPIK 2: Proses Audit Sistem Informasi
[Quiz] Self Test 2 - Proses Audit Sistem Informasi
TOPIK 3: IS Audit Drivers
[Slides] Topik 3: IS Audit Drivers
[Video] Topik 3 (Bagian 1)
[Video] Topik 3 (Bagian 2)
[FORUM] TOPIK 3: IS Audit Drivers
[Quiz] Self Test 3 - IS Audit Drivers
TOPIK 4: Audit Internal dan Audit Eksternal
[Slides] Topik 4: Audit Internal dan Audit Eksternal
[Video] Topik 4
[FORUM] TOPIK 4: Audit Internal dan Audit Eksternal
[Quiz] Self Test 4 - Audit Internal dan Audit Eksternal
TOPIK 5: Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi
[Slides] Topik 5: Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi
[Video] Topik 5 (Bagian 1)
[Video] Topik 5 (Bagian 2)
[FORUM] TOPIK 5: Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi
[Quiz] Self Test 5 - Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi
TOPIK 6: Audit Infrastruktur Jaringan
[Slides] Topik 6: Audit Infrastruktur Jaringan
[Video] Topik 6
[FORUM] TOPIK 6: Audit Infrastruktur Jaringan
[Materi Tambahan] Tutorial iperf
[Quiz] Self Test 6 - Audit Infrastruktur Jaringan
TOPIK 7: Audit Sistem Operasi
[Slides] Topik 7: Audit Sistem Operasi
[Video] Topik 7
[Quiz] Self Test 7 - Audit Sistem Operasi
[FORUM] TOPIK 7: Audit Sistem Operasi
TOPIK 8: Audit Basis Data
[Slides] Topik 8: Audit Basis Data
[Quiz] Self Test 8 - Audit Basis Data
[FORUM] TOPIK 8: Audit Basis Data
01 - Introduction
02 - Database Components
03 - Setup and General Controls
04 - OS Security - Account & Permission Management
05 - DB Privileges & Data Encryption
06 - Monitoring & Management
TOPIK 9: Audit Aplikasi dan Proyek Teknologi Informasi
TOPIK 10: Audit Cloud Computing
TOPIK 11: Audit Keamanan Informasi (Bagian 1)
TOPIK 12: Audit Keamanan Informasi (Bagian 2)
TOPIK 13: Audit Data Center dan Disaster Recovery
TOPIK 14: Audit Keberlanjutan Bisnis
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Dasar-Dasar Audit Sistem Informasi
Dasar-Dasar Audit Sistem Informasi
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