Course Content
- Start Date: 20/05/21
- Category: Computer Sciences
- Pengumuman
- Evaluasi Hasil Pemelajaran
- Daftar Pustaka
- AVR Documentations
- Forum diskusi pekan #1
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #1: intro to computer system dan information representation
- 1.Intro
- 2.InformationRepresentations
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 1: Intro to computer system and information representation
- Feedback quiz #1
- Forum diskusi pekan #2
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #2: Boolean algebra
- 3.BooleanAlgebra
- 4.StandardAndCanonicalForms
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 2: Boolean algebra
- Feedback kuis #2
- Forum diskusi pekan #3
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #3: Karnaugh Map
- 5.KarnoughMaps
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 3: Karnaugh Map
- Feedback Quiz #3
- Tugas Lab 1
- Forum diskusi pekan #4
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #4: Logic gates and combinational circuits
- 6.LogicGatesAndCircuits
- 7.CombinationalCircuits
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 4: Logic gates and combinational circuits
- Feedback Quiz #4
- Tugas Lab 2
- Tugas Mandiri 2
- Forum diskusi pekan #5
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #5: combinational circuits MSI and sequential circuits
- 8.CombinationalCircuitsMSI
- 9.SequentialLogic
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 5: Combinational circuits MSI and sequential circuits
- Feedback kuis 5
- Forum diskusi pekan #6
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #6: sequential circuits analysis, register and memory
- 10.Registers
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 6: Sequential circuits analysis, register and memory
- Feedback kuis 6
- Tugas Lab 3
- Forum diskusi pekan #7
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #7: Introduction to computer architecture and performance
- 12.Performance
- Label
- Tugas
- Quiz 7: Introduction to computer architecture and performance
- Feedback Quiz 7
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #10. Datapath
- Label (copy) (copy)
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #10: Datapath
- Datapath
- Label (copy)
- Tugas
- Quiz 8: Datapath
- Feedback Quiz 8
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #11. Intro to AVR
- Label (copy) (copy) (copy)
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #11: Introduction to AVR
- Lesson activity pekan #11_B: Hands On AVR
- AVR Studio 4 Installer
- Introduction to AVR
- AVR Instruction
- ATMega8515 Datasheet
- AVR Assembler
- IntroAVR.asm
- Label
- Tugas
- Tugas Lab 4
- Quiz 9: Introduction to AVR
- Feedback Quiz 9
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #12. AVR memory, stack & subroutine
- Label (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #12: AVR Memory, Stack, & Subroutine (Theory & Hands-on)
- AVR Stack and Subroutine
- AVR Memory
- avr102.asm
- Label
- Tugas
- Tugas Lab 5
- Quiz 10: AVR Memory, Stack, & Subroutine
- Feedback Quiz 10
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #13. AVR I/O
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #13: AVR I/O - 4 dari 4 video
- AVR - I/O
- avrio.asm (HandsOn-1-2)
- avriocont.asm (HandsOn-3)
- (portable program)
- iohapsim.xml (Hapsim file for AVR I/O HandsOn)
- Label (copy)
- Tugas (copy)
- Quiz 11: AVR I/O
- Feedback Quiz 11
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #14. AVR Interrupt
- Label (copy)
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #14: AVR Interrupt
- AVR Interrupt
- extinterrupt.asm (HandsOn AVR Interrupt)
- hapsimhandsoninterrupt.xml (Hapsim HandsOn AVR Interrupt)
- Label
- Tugas
- Lab 6 DDAK
- Quiz 12: AVR Interrupt
- Feedback Quiz 12
- Forum Diskusi Pekan #15. AVR Timer Interrupt
- Label
- Materi
- Lesson activity pekan #15: AVR Timer/Counter Interrupt ( 4 video)
- AVR Timer Slide
- Contoh Program Timer
- AVR timer handson1
- hapsimtimer1.xml
- avrtimer-handson2
- hapsimtimer2
- avrtimer-handson3
- hapsimtimer3
- Label (copy)
- Tugas
- Quiz 13: AVR Timer Interrupt
- Feedback Quiz 13
- Label
- Latihan-AVR-Memory
- Latihan-AVR-Short-Essay
- Latihan-AVR-Multiple-Choice
- Latihan-AVR-IO
- Latihan-AVR-IO-Interrupt-Timer
- Latihan-Datapath1
- Sesi Sync Kelas A Rabu 30 Desember 2020
- Sesi sync Kelas B, Rabu 30 Desember 2020
- Sesi Sync Kelas C Rabu 30 Desember 2020
- Label
- Evaluasi Dosen Oleh Mahasiswa - E-learning