Course Content
- Start Date: 31/10/21
- Category: Art, Language and Humanities
- Course Outline
- Tautan Forum Diskusi Wajib
- Pusat Bantuan Pemelajar
- 1. Lecture Video: Intro to the Course
- 2. Forum Diskusi 1 (Wajib): Perkenalan dan Pemahaman Anda mengenai budaya kontemporer Taiwan
- 3. Reading: Informasi mengenai Taiwan
- 4. Lecture Video: Culture and Power
- 5. Reading & Summary: Dari Taiwanisasi ke De-sinifikasi
- 5.a. Kuis Bacaan: “From Taiwanisation to De-sinification: Culture Construction in Taiwan since the 1990s”
- 6. Forum Diskusi 2 (Wajib): "De-sinifikasi", Budaya, dan Kekuasaan
- 00. Recap Video for Week 1
- 1. Reading: Taiwan's History: An Introduction
- 2. Forum Diskusi (Wajib): Taiwan's History: An Introduction
- 3. Lecture Video: Is Taiwan A Country or Part of China?
- 4.1. Reading & Summary: From nationalism to nationalizing: cultural imagination and state formation in postwar Taiwan
- 4.1.a Quiz: From Nationalism to Nationalizing
- 4.2. Reading & Summary: Homeland Building: Nationalism, Identity, and Geographical Imagination in post-war Taiwan
- 4.2.a Quiz: Homeland Building: Homeland Building: Nationalism, Identity, and Geographical Imagination in post-war Taiwan
- Assignment: Membuat Poster
- Rekap Materi Minggu Ke-2
- 00. Recap Video for Week 2
- 1. Pengantar Budaya Populer
- 2. Forum Diskusi [Wajib]: Budaya Populer: "Purely Entertainment" atau "Acquired Political Values"?
- 3. Popular Culture in Taiwan
- 4. Forum Diskusi [wajib]: Popular Culture in Taiwan
- 5. Reading & Summary : The power of the popular in Popular Culture in Taiwan: Charismatic Modernity
- 5a. Quiz from The Power of The Popular
- 00. Selamat datang di Week 4!
- 1. Popular Culture and Ideology
- 2. Pop Music in Taiwan
- 3. Forum Diskusi (wajib): Popular Music in Taiwan
- 4.a. Reading and Summary: Music and cultural politics in Taiwan
- 4.b. Reading and Summary: A historical review of popular music and social change in Taiwan
- 5.a. Quiz: Music and Cultural Politics
- 5.b. A Historical Review of Popular Music and Social Change in Taiwan
- 00. Recap Pembelajaran Minggu Lalu
- 1. Intro to the Study of Representation in Popular Culture
- 2. Forum Diskusi (wajib): Representation and Television in Taiwan
- 3. Contextualizing Meteor Garden as a Transnational Television Product
- 4. Reading and Summary: Public television and empowerment in Taiwan. Pacific Affairs
- 4a. Forum Diskusi (wajib): Public television and empowerment in Taiwan.
- 5. Quiz: Public television and empowerment in Taiwan
- 00. Recap Pembelajaran Minggu Lalu
- 1.a. Television Dramas from Taiwan (Part 1)
- 1.b Television Dramas from Taiwan (Part 2)
- 2.a. Reading and Summary: Divergent Staging of East Asian Patriarchy
- 3.a. Quiz Reading 1: Divergent Staging of East Asian Patriarchy
- 2.b. Reading and Summary: Consuming Taiwanese Boys Culture
- 3.b. Quiz 2: Consuming Taiwanese Boys Culture
- Midterm Assignment | Deadline: 03012022
- 00. Recap Pembelajaran Minggu Lalu
- 1. Forum Diskusi (Wajib): Pendapat mengenai "gender"
- 2. PART 1 : Media, Gender and Identity Politics in Taiwan
- 3. PART 2 : Media, Gender and Identity Politics in Taiwan
- 4. Reading 1 and Summary: From Spice Girls to enjo kosai: formations of teenage girls' sexualities in Taiwan
- 4a. Quiz 1 - Reading: From Spice Girls to enjo kosai: formations of teenage girls' sexualities in Taiwan
- 5. Reading 2 and Summary: International women's magazines and the production of sexuality in Taiwan.
- 6. Quiz 2 - Reading: nternational women's magazines and the production of sexuality in Taiwan
- 00. Session Overview and Recap of Last Week's Topic
- 1.A. Video: Conceptualizing East Asian Popular Culture
- 1.B. Diskusi Forum dari Video [WAJIB]: Conceptualizing East Asian Popular Culture
- 2.A. Reading 1 and Summary: Japanese and Korean Popular Culture and Identity Politics in Taiwan
- 3.A. QUIZ: Japanese and Korean Popular Culture and Identity Politics in Taiwan
- 2.B. Reading 2 and Summary: Nation-branding and transnational consumption: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan. Media, Culture & Society
- 3.B.QUIZ: Japan-mania and the Korean wave in Taiwan. Media, Culture & Society
- 4 & 5. Video and Quiz : Intertextual Reworking in Indonesia
- 00. Recap Pembelajaran Minggu Lalu
- 1. Video: Transcultural Popular Culture & Participatory Culture
- 2. Reading 1 and Summary: From warlocks to Aryans: The slippery slope of cultural nuance in reading Harry Potter in Taiwan
- 2a. Quiz 1: Understanding the reading
- 3. Reading 2 and Summary: Harry Potter, wuxia and the transcultural flow of fantasy texts in Taiwan
- 3a. Quiz 2: Understanding the reading
- 4. Forum Diskusi (Wajib): Pemaknaan Harry Potter di Taiwan dan Indonesia
- 1. Recap and Wrap Up
- 2. Video & Quiz: Identity Politics and Popular Culture in Taiwan: A Sajiao Generation
- 3. Discussion Forum. Persamaan dan Perbedaan Taiwan dan Indonesia
- 5. Instruksi untuk Tugas Akhir. DEADLINE: 26 JANUARI 2022
- Submission: Tugas Akhir MOOC TAIWAN