Course Content
- Start Date: 10/03/25
- Category: Art, Language and Humanities
- Announcements
- Pengumuman
- Buku Rancangan Pengajaran
- Perkenalan
- Ikuti tahapan pembelajaran dalam modul 1 ini: 1. ...
- Desperate Journey: Europe's Refugee Crisis
- Bahan Bacaan Memahami Migrasi
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda Mengenai Memahami Migrasi
- A History of Immigration in Europe
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda: A History of Migration in Europe
- Bahan Bacaan Mengenai Konteks Historis Migrasi di Eropa
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda: Konteks Historis Migrasi di Eropa
- What's actually in the EU's migration deal?
- What’s actually in the EU’s migration deal?
- What is the New Pact on Migration and Asylum of the EU?
- What is the New Pact on Migration and Asylum of the EU?
- Migration policy: Council reaches agreement on key asylum and migration laws
- Migration policy: Council reaches agreement on key asylum and migration laws
- Kebijakan Terbaru UE Mengenai Pengungsi
- Bahan Bacaan 4.1
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda: Migrasi di Rusia
- Ringkasan Materi: Peta Isu Permasalahan Migrasi dan Identitas Transnasional di Rusia
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda: Peta Isu Permasalahan Migrasi dan Identitas Transnasional di Rusia
- Sejarah Migrasi di Belanda
- Bahan Bacaan: Cultures of Scholarship and Public Policy on Immigrants/Minorities in the Netherlands
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda: Cultures of Scholarship and Public Policy on Immigrants/Minorities in the Netherlands
- Bahan Bacaan: Postcolonial Migrant
- Periksa Pemahaman Anda mengenai Postcolonial Migrant
- Ringkasan Migrasi dan Identitas Transnasional
- Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan MOOCs (Bahasa Indonesia)
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